
From insights come answers.

A series of articles from the Insider Pro team, in which we examine relevant topics and examples of current challenges that we see in our work with a huge range of organisations, across many sectors.

Profits squeezed in UK Manufacturing. Supply chain's role in recovery.

Posted by Jeremy Bowley

The team at Insider Pro have researched 1,500 UK manufacturers and found a worrying pre Brexit, pre-Covid picture. Although in the last 5 years UK manufacturers grew sales by 21%, they failed to grow profits.

In the same time frame;

  • Collection of debts improved by 3 days
  • They failed to secure longer credit terms from suppliers
  • Stock bloated from 55 days to 61!

As the effects of Brexit wash through, and companies try to reboot volumes in 2021, there is trouble on the horizon. Profits are set to halve and cash is under pressure like never before! But there is also good news. The winners in the next 18/24 months will be those who win the battle for cash. With strong cash controls, companies can build a war chest which will help them win market share and invest where their competitors can't. Supported by a robust, agile supply chain, the winners may well take it all. The stage is set for disruption and change.

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Topics: Disruptive Procurement, Working capital improvement

Who moved my cash? 5 ways to improve working capital in 90 days.

Posted by Jeremy Bowley

As we edge towards re-igniting the economy, CFOs of large, medium and small enterprises, need to focus on the basics.  The old mantra "Cash is king" has never been more important if companies are to recover and take advantage of the new normal.

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Topics: Disruptive Procurement, Supply Chain Management, Enterprise Value, Working capital improvement

A Virtual Christmas - Team Spirit in Action

Posted by Jeremy Bowley

If 2020 has taught us one thing, it's the importance of team spirit.  And Insider Pro demonstrated this clearly at our Christmas jumper charity event last week.  Since March, everyone has been forced into a position of uncertainty and isolation and being part of a team has become even more important.  It was critical to decide quickly on the best ways to hold the team together, communicate, connect and maintain important relationships. 

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Topics: Best Practice, Our Team

Brexit - the last struggles of 2020

Posted by Jeremy Bowley

On 5th December 2018, we published a blog

It's time to re-visit and assess whether those 7 things are still relevant today.  Now, exactly two years on, UK and European businesses await final the Brexit terms, amidst dramatic newspaper headlines which talk about a deal "hanging in the balance" and threat of "catastrophe at the borders". Meanwhile, professionals in industry continue to assess the potential impact on their supply chains across the continent.

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Topics: Supply Chain Management

5 ways to accelerate enterprise value growth

Posted by Jeremy Bowley

Companies that have surpassed the £20m turnover mark have already worked hard to structure their business in a way that maximises business growth and the value of their enterprise;

They’ve been focused on driving sales

They've negotiated costs to the best of their ability

They’ve reviewed and optimised their operational processes.

In short, they’ve already examined each area of the business.

Yet many CEO’s and investors that I speak to know that they could do even better. They’re just not sure how.

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Topics: Procurement Consultancy, Enterprise Value

5 secret sources of EBITDA lurking in your supply chain

Posted by Jeremy Bowley

One of the most common questions I am asked by CFO's and Financial Controllers is; "How much can we improve EBITDA from our supply chain?"  My answer, is always the same; "More than you think. Probably about double."

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Topics: Enterprise Value

Enterprise value webinar recording

Posted by Jeremy Bowley

In economies like these, growing the business and its enterprise value can be challenging.  In fact, it’s always challenging!  

Increasing EBITDA and the multiples needed to increase company value, requires a laser-like focus on certain high-impact levers available to you.   

As a Finance Leader, an Executive or Business Owner, you have many stakeholders to keep happy and challenging targets to meet. As the conscience and steward of the business no doubt, you will face questions around:- 

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Topics: Enterprise Value

The Finance "Wheel of worries" and growing Enterprise Value

Posted by Jeremy Bowley

As the key person responsible for governance and stewardship of the business, most CFOs are losing some sleep in these troubled times. There are plenty of balls to juggle and people to answer to, but whatever the pressures, a clear focus on Enterprise Value can provide an immediate improvement in cash flow and set the business up for future growth.

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Topics: Enterprise Value

What does it take to create £3m enterprise value in a year?

Posted by Mike Dunlop


It has been 1 year since I joined Insider Pro Ltd and I can safely say it has been the best decision of my career so far.

I remember receiving advice from colleagues, my professional network and family that it would be unwise to give up a secure senior position in a large blue chip corporation and move to a boutique consultancy. Yet here I am today with a huge smile on my face due to my current lifestyle and my achievements to date.

£3m impact to my customers within the first year is more than I could ever have imagined and I didn’t have to reach ‘burn out’ to achieve it!

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Topics: Our Team, Enterprise Value

Speed to value  for a healthy future

Posted by Jeremy Bowley
Covid-19 is accelerating business transformation in the Healthcare and Lifescience sectors. The businesses which will be successful in this period of uncertainty are those which are able to embrace innovation and bring new propositions to market despite challenging headwinds on funding, working capital and supply chain integrity. Even before the pandemic, both sectors were facing a compelling need for change. The pressures on the NHS were well documented and the social care sector required new thinking. Drug regulation and long sales cycles created complexity and the fast pace of innovation added further challenges. Businesses involved in developing or producing pharmaceutical, medtech or digital health products faced many questions linked to patient experience including:
  • new technology such as robotic surgery
  • improving clinical trial outcomes
  • ensuring greater participation including women, minorities and older patients
  • and ensuring improved access to and better use of data.
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Topics: Disruptive Procurement