
From insights come answers.

A series of articles from the Insider Pro team, in which we examine relevant topics and examples of current challenges that we see in our work with a huge range of organisations, across many sectors.

11 ways to drive 20 percent more profit through procurement

Posted by Darin Crosby
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When I tell people that my passion is procurement, most people move on to ask the person next to me what they do for a living. A few others ask questions about the biggest tender I have ever dealt with, or how I feel about supermarkets bullying tactics with food growers and the like.

The uninitiated think that as procurement professionals we spend our time creating tender documents and beating up suppliers on price.

In fact, nothing could be further from the truth.

Our approach is VERY different.

There is so much more value procurement can add - when you understand the true power of insider knowledge. I’m not quite sure who invented the term “disruptive procurement”, but I wish I could lay claim to it because it is exactly what I have been doing for most of my career.

Disruptive procurement” uses knowledge of the entire supply chain to challenge requirements and drive out business benefits far in excess of any improvements in margin.

I’ve often talked about “using our unfair advantage”, “challenging the status quo” and other metaphors, but “disruptive procurement” really does sum up the way everyone at Insider Pro thinks, acts and does.

In fact we ONLY recruit people with hard won, gritty procurement experience who can a) prove that they work as a disruptor in a positive and creative way and b) have real insider knowledge which helps our clients create incremental value in their business.

Insider knowledge is one of the seven fundamental ingredients of disruptive procurement.

To find out more about the way we work and how we drive savings we have put together an eBook containing some great real life examples of “disruptive procurement” in action.  These include examples where the potential savings and “win-win” outcome seemed almost impossible, and others where despite saving millions we managed to improve customer service at the same time.

I hope when you read this you share my sense of passion, enthusiasm, fun and determination to succeed through disruptive procurement.

You'll see how procurement can add real value to a business and learn how Insider Pro orchestrates supply chains and operations to minimise risk, reduce costs and grow profit.

Download our eBook "11 ways to drive 20% more profit through procurement".


Download 11 ways to reduce profit by 20%  



Topics: Procurement Consultancy, Innovation, Case Studies