
From insights come answers.

A series of articles from the Insider Pro team, in which we examine relevant topics and examples of current challenges that we see in our work with a huge range of organisations, across many sectors.

Hospitality suppliers - work with us to support carers

Posted by Jeremy Bowley
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The majority of us are at home with our families, trying to work whilst keeping safe and entertaining the children.  There is rightfully much in the news about the NHS and essential key workers who are doing such important jobs. 

But spare a thought for the less obvious care system – people in residential care homes, both for older citizens and those with learning disabilities, mental health conditions and other complex needs.  Their daily lives and routines are being disrupted and threatened. 

Where before, the highlight of the week for many young people with learning disabilities was the shopping trip, it has all had to stop.  As more and more of their carers need to self-isolate, replacement agency staff are in short supply.  As the catering staff numbers are reduced, meals planning need to be adjusted and sourced elsewhere.

We are urgently looking at the supply chains of several organisations, trying to find alternative suppliers or different solutions for many basic products and services – toiletries and household essentials, PPE items, food ingredients, ready meals etc. 

Diverting some of the capacity from the hospitality sector to the care sector is an obvious step. 

Suppliers, we need you to help us re-set and step up quickly.

Agility, speed, knowledge and efficiency is the name of the game.  It’s not about price at times like these.  Its about the broader picture – how can you do things differently and quickly, using expertise and sector knowledge to put new solutions in place and save lives. 

We have great connections across both the hospitality and care sectors and are looking for ways to use our expertise to get resources to where they are needed.

Insider Pro can help – please let us know if you can as well.    Contact us

Topics: Disruptive Procurement, Procurement People, Procurement Consultancy, Supply Chain Management